If you wish to cancel a purchased plan, please note that the cancellation procedure differs depending on the method of purchase.
[Cancellation of plans purchased on the website]
1. Log in to the humy website.
2. Tap the person icon in the top right > Active Subscriptions.
3. Tap Details for the plan you wish to cancel.
4. On the Active Subscription Details screen, tap Unsubscribe.
[Cancellation of plans purchased on the app]
You can cancel your subscription by going to Subscriptions in the App Store and canceling humy.
You can go to the App Store by selecting the plan you wish to cancel from the Active Subscriptions screen of the app.
You can cancel your subscription by going to “Payments & subscriptions” in the Google Play Store and canceling humy.
You can go to the Google Play Store by selecting the plan you wish to cancel from the Active Subscriptions screen of the app.
Notes on plan cancellation:
1. Canceling a plan cancels automatic renewal for that plan’s subscription.
2. After canceling a plan, you will still have access to its exclusive content and benefits until its subscription expires.
Subscribed on: December 2, 2022
Canceled on: November 1, 2023
Subscription benefits usable until: December 2, 2023
3. Please note that information such as your membership number will be permanently lost if a canceled subscription expires.
You can prevent this by resubscribing during the resubscription period.
• What is the resubscription period?
• If I’ve unsubscribed from a Premium plan in the past and subscribe again, will my previous membership number be restored?